Prueba de nivel INGLÉS

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Selecciona las opciones correctas para completar las siguientes frases:

1. This man has dark …………………..


2. and a ……………………………


3. He is …………………………….. a jacket


4. and he is ……………………………. a piece of paper.


5. He is sitting at his …………………………….


6. – perhaps he is ……………………………….


7. You arrive at a party at 8 p.m. What do you say?


8. Someone offers you a drink. You don’t want it. What do you say?


9. Henderson …………………………… going to work.


10. …………………………… early in the morning?


11. He ………………………………. to drive a car.


12. A train is ……………………………. a bus.


13. He ………………………………… swim very well.


14. ………………………………… the bus to work.


15. Peter works in London. …………………………………………………………


16. ……………………………………………….. TV last night.


17. I spoke slowly, but he ……………………………. understand me.


18. He made …………………………………….. last year.


19. I asked him ……………………………………


20. He used to live …………………….. London.


21. James …………………………. to him on the phone.


22. “Quiet, please – I ………………………………………………..”


23. I won’t go to Cambridge if it ………………………………… tomorrow.


24. While he ……………………………. to London he saw an accident.


25. Millions of cigarettes …………………………………….. every year.


26. He has a ………………………….. experience in marketing in Europe.


27. I remember ……………………….. him in London.


28. But I saw him in Frankfurt ………………………………….


29. Could you look …………… the blackboard and read what is on it?


30. Smith went abroad last year. ……………………………………… abroad before.


31. The last Olympic Games ………………………………. in Athens.


32. He took ……………………. cheese.


33. The committee held a ………………………….. last week.


34. I ……………………….. the Prime Minister’s speech very carefully.


35. He would have known that, if he ……………………………… the meeting.


36. Would you mind ………………………. the door?


37. In August he ………………………………. for us for 25 years.


38. ………………………………………….. since I came back to the office?


39. He speaks English very well ………………….. he’s only 12.


40. “Don’t do that,” I said.  I …………………………… him not to do that.


41. He never takes risks. He’s a very …………………………… man.


42. I’d like to put ……………………….. a suggestion, if I may.


43. I ……………………………. this test for at least half an hour now.


44. I’ll speak to him when he ……………………………… .


45. «Can you come tomorrow?” He asked ……………………………………. tomorrow.


46. He hasn’t come again today. If he doesn’t come, …………………………. what to do tomorrow.


47. CONVERSATION 1/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mr and Mrs Wallace want to buy a house, so they go to the office of an estate agent.

Agent: Good morning. Mr and Mrs Wallace?

Mrs Wallace: Mr Hogan?

Agent: How do you do.

Mrs Wallace: I spoke to you on the phone. ……………….. is my husband.

        How do you do.


48. CONVERSATION 2/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mr Wallace: How do you do.

Agent: How do you do. ……………………….. sit down.

(They all sit down at a desk.)


49. CONVERSATION 3/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Agent: I understand from our telephone conversation that you’re ………………………………


50. CONVERSATION 4/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Agent: … in buying a property for about £85,000, is that ………………………… ?


51. CONVERSATION 5/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mrs Wallace: No. Well the price is right, but – er – well, we ……………….. a problem.

        We’ve been living abroad for the last ten years –


52. CONVERSATION 6/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mr Wallace: Longer …………….. that.


53. CONVERSATION 7/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mrs Wallace: Yes, I suppose it is – and we want to settle back here ……………………….


54. CONVERSATION 8/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mrs Wallace: … we have very different ideas of the ……………………. of place we’d like to live in.


55. CONVERSATION 9/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mr Wallace: Yes, you see …………………. prefer to live in town, in a centrally located flat.


56. CONVERSATION 10/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mrs Wallace: And I am really keen to live in ……………. country.


57. CONVERSATION 11/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mrs Wallace: I want a big garden. I want a new view. I want to be ……………… to go for walks.

        I want to go back to work – that is, to get back into teaching.


58. CONVERSATION 12/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mr Wallace: Well, I’m sure you ………………. teach in London, in town, just as easily.


59. CONVERSATION 13/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mrs Wallace: Yes, ………………. I think the chances of


60. CONVERSATION 14/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mrs Wallace: … getting a job …………………….. probably much greater in a village school


61. CONVERSATION 15/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mrs Wallace: … and I ………………. like to be part of the community again, darling.


62. CONVERSATION 16/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mr Wallace: And I want to live in a flat ……………….. maintenance included.


63. CONVERSATION 17/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mr Wallace: You know – you pay for all the …………….. I mean, I’m not a do-it-yourself man.


64. CONVERSATION 18/18 (questions 47 – 64):

Mr Wallace:  I don’t like to mend leaky ……………………. , and that sort of thing.


65. AT A HOTEL 1/16 (question 65 – 80):

Mr Graham has just checked into a hotel, but he is not happy with his room. He goes down to the reception desk.

Mr Graham: I’m ………………. there’s been a mistake. My room doesn’t have a bath.


66. AT A HOTEL 2/16 (question 65 – 80):

Hotel Clerk: Well, I think your room is correct, sir. Room 118 ………………… ?


67. AT A HOTEL 3/16 (question 65 – 80):

Mr Graham: ……………………….., could I have a bath, please?


68. AT A HOTEL 4/16 (question 65 – 80):

Hotel Clerk: Er – I’m afraid we don’t …………….. a room with a bath and –


69. AT A HOTEL 5/16 (question 65 – 80):

Mr Graham: Look, I’m very tired. I don’t want to ………………. but my firm always book a room with a bath.


70. AT A HOTEL 6/16 (question 65 – 80):

Hotel Clerk: Er – I’ll check the …………………..


71. AT A HOTEL 7/16 (question 65 – 80):

Hotel Clerk: … but I don’t think you were …………………. into a room with a bath.

      There we are, it is Mr Graham, isn’t it?

Mr Graham: It is, yes. The clerk shows Mr Graham a letter.


72. AT A HOTEL 8/16 (question 65 – 80):

Hotel Clerk: Yes, one ………………… room.


73. AT A HOTEL 9/16 (question 65 – 80):

Mr Graham: I’ll see them when I get back. Well, I ……………… that it’s our mistake,


74. AT A HOTEL 10/16 (question 65 – 80):

Mr Graham: … but are you sure there’s ……………………. with a bath?

Hotel Clerk: Well, ………….


75. AT A HOTEL 11/16 (question 65 – 80):

Mr Graham: I’ve just flown a very long ……………….. and I’m very tired and all I want is a bath and a sleep.


76. AT A HOTEL 12/16 (question 65 – 80):

Hotel Clerk: Well, as I’ve said, sir, there’s …………………. nothing for tonight.

      But let’s see. You’re here for five days, aren’t you?

Mr Graham: Oh dear!


77. AT A HOTEL 13/16 (question 65 – 80):

Hotel Clerk: I’ll just have a ……………… with the manager.


78. AT A HOTEL 14/16 (question 65 – 80):

Mr Graham: I would ……………………. it.


79. AT A HOTEL 15/16 (question 65 – 80):

Mr Graham: I’m …………………………… to have a long hot bath!


80. AT A HOTEL 16/16 (question 65 – 80):

Hotel Clerk: Don’t worry, sir! ………………………. it with me.


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